cistenie na zbran vyrobca Otis IWCK Gerber MP600 Multi-Tool
- [15.3. 2025]Smazat/ Upravit/ Topovat

predam nove nepouzite multi cistenie za zbran
ide o top riesenie povodna cena cez450 USD
Pripadne vymena za veci pre pcp rsp strelivo 9 .22 kartu kartu a ZP mam
Cleans 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 9mm and .45cal .223 weapons
100% cotton 2” and 3” Panoply cleaning patches and small and large caliber slotted tips
8” and 30” Memory-Flex® cables for effective and correct Breech-to-Muzzle® Five firearm specific bronze brushes with size marked on brush stem (5.56mm,7.62mm, 9mm, .45cal, 5.56mm chamber brush)
Gerber MP600 Multi-Tool
8-32 thread solid rod set for obstruction removal
Obstruction remover knocks out mud, snow, stuck casings and doubles as a t-handle base for included t-handle
Scraper, straight & bent pick, locking lug scraper for more precise cleaning
Lens cloth, lens spray, mohair lens brush and cotton swabs for optics care
Also includes 1.25 oz bottle for solvent, NATO adapter & instruction manual
Dust Cap, double sided AP brush, pipe cleaners and dust brush
Lightweight soft pack with ALICE clips for carrying
Dimensions: 9" x 5" x 4"
Berry Compliant
Made in the USA
cistacia sada
ide o top riesenie povodna cena cez450 USD
Pripadne vymena za veci pre pcp rsp strelivo 9 .22 kartu kartu a ZP mam
Cleans 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 9mm and .45cal .223 weapons
100% cotton 2” and 3” Panoply cleaning patches and small and large caliber slotted tips
8” and 30” Memory-Flex® cables for effective and correct Breech-to-Muzzle® Five firearm specific bronze brushes with size marked on brush stem (5.56mm,7.62mm, 9mm, .45cal, 5.56mm chamber brush)
Gerber MP600 Multi-Tool
8-32 thread solid rod set for obstruction removal
Obstruction remover knocks out mud, snow, stuck casings and doubles as a t-handle base for included t-handle
Scraper, straight & bent pick, locking lug scraper for more precise cleaning
Lens cloth, lens spray, mohair lens brush and cotton swabs for optics care
Also includes 1.25 oz bottle for solvent, NATO adapter & instruction manual
Dust Cap, double sided AP brush, pipe cleaners and dust brush
Lightweight soft pack with ALICE clips for carrying
Dimensions: 9" x 5" x 4"
Berry Compliant
Made in the USA
cistacia sada
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Kontaktovat emailem může pouze ověřený uživatel.
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